Page 7 - KUAD Cosmetics Consumer
P. 7                                                           Cosmetics Consumer Handbook  |   5

        WHAT IS A COSMETIC PRODUCT?         legislative definition, the properties of the pro-  to the human body.
                                            ducts indicate products enriched with active ing-
        Cosmetic product: It refers to all substances or   redients in skin care. Dermocosmetic products   Essential oils commonly used in aromatherapy
        mixtures prepared for application to the external   define cosmetic products that reveal or improve   include laurel oil, tea tree oil, rose oil, thyme oil,
        parts of the human body; epidermis, nails, hair,   the health and healthy appearance of the skin,   lavender oil and eucalyptus oil.
        hair, lips and external genital organs or teeth   hair or nails, increase the moisture and shine of
        and oral mucosa, whose sole or main purpose   the skin, eliminate the color differences of the skin   It is not suitable for human health to use aromat-
        is to clean, fragrance, change the appearance,   and act on aging in the dermis layer. In the cos-  herapy oils plainly without dilution. They should
        protect them, keep them in good condition or   metic market, there are applications in the form   be diluted with olive oil or similar oils. This product
        correct body odors.                 of topically applied solutions, lotions, creams,   group is one of the most frequently used methods
                                            ointments and sprays. Dermocosmetic substan-  in skin care. This product group is not suitable
        USAGE RATES OF COSMETIC RAW                           ces and products, which have been very popular   for therapeutic claims according to cosmetic le-
        MATERIALS                           in recent years, are also used as cosmeceuticals.  gislation. It is suitable for giving pleasant odor
                                                                               and care purposes.
        While preparing the formulations of cosmetic   It would be more understandable to define der-
        products, attention should be paid to the An-  mocosmetics as “dermatologic products with   WHAT IS IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC
        nexes of the Cosmetic Products Regulation.   cosmetic properties”. Dermocosmetic products   PRODUCT?
        Cosmetic raw materials should be used in pro-  contain a large number of ingredients such as
        portions that will not harm human health and   extracts from plants or algae, vitamins, enzymes,   Imported Product: We can define it as a cos-
        will not cause skin irritation.     peptides and amino acids.          metic product sold in our country as a result of
                                                                               its production in a country other than Turkey.
        Raw materials should be used in concentrations   The most important reason why dermocosme-
        in accordance with the limits of raw materials   tic products are popular is that they combine   Domestic Product: It means that the products
        specified in Annex-III List of Substances that   several activities in a single product such as BB   produced within a country are produced wit-
        Cosmetic Products Should Not Contain Except   and CC cream.            hin the borders of its own country, using local
        for Limitations.                                                       resources, labor and technology. Products pro-
                                            AROMATHERAPEUTIC OILS              duced within the borders of Turkey are domestic
        WHAT IS A DERMOCOSMETIC PRODUCT?                                       products.
                                            Aromatherapy oils are herbal oils that have a
        Although dermocosmetic products are not a   pleasant scent and calming effect when applied
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