Page 8 - KUAD Cosmetics Consumer
P. 8

6    |   Cosmetics Consumer Handbook

          Being on the Label
                                              and more than one unit of product is sold in a   of the product during which it will be safe and
          Required Mandatory Information      single package, it is not necessary to write the   can be used without any harm to the consumer
                                              quantity on the units in the package, provided   shall be indicated. The month and/or year must
          PRODUCT BRAND AND TRADE NAME        that the number of units of product is indicated on   be indicated in the open jar symbol (            ).
                                              the package. If the number of products is easily
          Brand and product name              visible from the outside or if the product is nor-  SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE
                                              mally sold alone, the number of products need
          NAME OR REGISTERED TITLE AND ADDRESS   not be indicated on the packaging.  Where labeling is not possible for practical rea-
          OF THE RESPONSIBLE PERSON                                              sons, the precautions listed in Annexes III to VI
                                              FOR PRODUCTS WITH A LIFESPAN OF 30   and all specific information relating to cosmetic
          This information may be abbreviated to make it   MONTHS OR LESS, THE MINIMUM TIME TO   products for professional use should be indicated
          possible to identify the person responsible and   LAST AFTER OPENING   in the annex or on an attached leaflet, label, tape
          their address. If more than one address is indi-                       or card and the open booklet symbol (          )
          cated, the address where the responsible person   The minimum date within which a cosmetic pro-  should be attached to the packaging.
          keeps the product information file available shall   duct, if stored under normal conditions, continues
          be indicated                        to fulfill its original functions and in particular to   PRODUCTION DATE AND BATCH NUMBER
                                              comply with Article 5.
          ORIGIN INFORMATION                                                     In order to identify the cosmetic product, the
                                              In the form of an hourglass symbol or sentence   manufacturing batch or serial number and the
          “Produced in Turkey or Made in Turkey” must be   “Best before date after opening” followed by the   reference number given by the manufacturer,
          written. It is mandatory to indicate the origin of   date (Month, Year) or (Day, Month, Year); or if the   if any, are indicated. If this is impossible due to
          imported cosmetic products.         expiration date is not written next to the hourg-  the very small size of the cosmetic product, this
                                              lass symbol (      ) and the sentence, the place   information is on the outer packaging.
          NOMINAL QUANTITY                    where the date was printed must be indicated.
                                                                                 PRODUCT FUNCTION
          The nominal content at the time of packaging in   FOR PRODUCTS WITH A LIFETIME OF OVER
          weight or volume shall be indicated, except for   30 MONTHS;           The function of the product shall be indicated on
          packages of less than five grams or five milliliters,                  the packaging, unless this is not clearly evident
          free samples and single-dose products. In cases   A date is not mandatory. However, for these   from the way the product is presented.
          where weight or volume details are not important   products, the period of time from the opening
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