Page 11 - KUAD Cosmetics Consumer
P. 11                                                           Cosmetics Consumer Handbook  |   9

        kaging or advertisement, this statement cannot
        be made on the purchase value. A special CON-  EXPRESSIONS SUCH AS SPF50+,   babies or sensitive adults and can be
        SUMER PANEL test must have been conducted   SPF50, SPF30 IN SUNSCREEN PRO-  written after ophthalmologic testing and if
            for the product and the results reported.  DUCTS;                   appropriate.

            IF THERE IS A VEGAN STATEMENT   If there are such SPF statements on the packa-  WITH ORGANIC OR NATURAL
                                            ging of the products, it means that the product   INGREDIENTS
        If there is a vegan expression; It means “does not   has been tested and provides protection.SPF
        contain substances of animal origin”.  (Sun Protection Factor) Value: The SPF value of   Formulated with Organic or Natural Ingredients:
                                            the product indicates the level of protection it pro-  Indicates that the product is made with organic
        In cases declared by the audit of special certifica-  vides against the sun. A higher SPF value provi-  or natural ingredients.
        tion bodies, the LOGO of the relevant institutions   des higher protection.Broad Spectrum: Indicates
        is used, otherwise the statements are based on   that the product provides protection against both   ORGANIC PRODUCT AND/OR
            the company’s declaration.      UVA and UVB rays. This is important because   NATURAL PRODUCT CLAIM
                                            both UVA and UVB rays can damage the skin.
            NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS           Waterproof or Water Resistant: Indicates how   In this way, if it is emphasized that the product is
                                            resistant the product is to water. This indicates   Organic and Natural, the product can be offered
        Not Tested on Animals: Indicates that the product   whether the product continues to protect after   to the market using the logo of the relevant orga-
        has not been tested on animals and does not   sweating or swimming. It can be said according   nization under the supervision of internationally
        cause harm to animals. In cases declared by the   to the test result.   recognized certification bodies.
        audit of special certification bodies, the LOGO
        of the relevant institutions is used, otherwise   NON-COMEDOGENIC       EXPRESSIONS SUITABLE FOR COSMETIC
        the statements are based on the company’s                               PRODUCT FUNCTIONS, TEST-FREE
        declaration.                        It states that the product will not clog pores     Ì  Nourishes the hair.
                                            and cause acne formation. It can be written if     Ì  Strengthens the hair.
        In Turkey, testing cosmetic products on animals   the products are tested and successful.    Ì  Prevents dandruff formation.
        was banned by the “Regulation on the Prohi-                               Ì  Increases the shine of the hair.
        bition of Testing of Cosmetic Products on Ani-  NO EYE BURNING            Ì  Prevents hair electrification.
        mals”, adopted in 2013 and enforced in 2015.                              Ì  Moisturizes the hair.
        This significant step prioritizes animal rights and   The phrase ‘No Eye Burn’ on a product     Ì  Cleanses the hair.
        ethical concerns.                   packaging is often used in shampoos for     Ì  Volumizes the hair.
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