Page 10 - KUAD Cosmetics Consumer
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8    |   Cosmetics Consumer Handbook

                                              PRODUCTS USING THIS PHRASE MEAN THAT   and SLES (Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate) are not
          The Allegations                     THEY HAVE BEEN TESTED. However, because   used in this product. It has also been tested in an
                                              everyone’s skin type and allergy risk is different,   accredited organization that it does not contain
            DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED           even a product labeled as hypoallergenic may   these components.
                                              cause allergic reactions in some people.
          The phrase “dermatologically tested” on the pac-                       IF A SPECIAL RAW MATERIAL IS SPECIFIED
          kaging indicates that the product has been tested   ALLEGATIONS OF NO CONTENT  IN THE CONTENT, FOR EXAMPLE; HONEY,
          by dermatologists to ensure that it does not cau-                      LAUREL
          se any adverse reactions on the skin. Such tests   There are ingredients that are allowed and not
          aim to assess whether the packaging causes   allowed to be stated as NOT CONTAINED on   A product that explicitly claims to contain honey
          allergic reactions, irritation or other skin problems   product packaging. If there is an ingredient stated   or laurel contains the honey component or laurel
          when it comes into contact with the skin.  as NOT CONTAINED on the product packaging,   oil/extract itself. For example, it is not sufficient
                                              it means that this ingredient does not exist in the   for a product claiming to “contain snail extract”
          These tests are performed on human volunteers   product. It does not mean that this ingredient is   to contain only allantoin. The snail extract itself
          and are done using skin contact tests, patch tests   banned. Banned ingredients cannot be used in   must be used.
          or other methods. These tests are carried out to   the formula anyway.
          assess the compatibility of the product with the                            IF A SPECIAL RAW MATERIAL IS SPE-
          skin and are important to demonstrate that the   THE WORDS “DOES NOT CONTAIN” MAY BE   CIFIED IN THE CONTENT, FOR EXAMP-
          product is safe and usable.         STATED IN WRITING OR MAY BE WRITTEN     LE; HONEY, LAUREL
                                              WITH A LOGO CHOSEN BY THE COMPANY.
          A PRODUCT IS’’DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED’’                                Moisturizing feature in cosmetic products is a
          ON ITS PACKAGING THE PRODUCT HAS BEEN    IF THERE IS AN ALCOHOL-FREE STA-  general function. If special time expressions such
          TESTED AND IS SUITABLE.                  TEMENT                        as 48 hours-72 hours are used on the product
                                                                                 packaging, it means that a special moisturizing
            IF THERE IS A STATEMENT OF HYPOAL-  This means that Ethyl Alcohol is not used in this   test has been performed and it has been proven
            LERGENIC;                         product. It has not been used in the product and   to provide long-term moisturizing.
                                              has been tested.
          The term “hypoallergenic” refers to the claim that                     99% OF USERS OR 9 OUT OF 10 PEOPLE
          a product reduces the risk of allergies. This claim   SLES, SLS FREE   PREFER IT
          means that the product is designed to reduce the
          potential for causing allergic reactions.  This means that SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate)   If there is such a statement on the product pac-
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